łożyska, zespoły łożyskowe, tulejki ślizgowe
LTP Poland
łóżyska, tulejki ślizgowe


JDR Technik bookbinding materials
association of Polish bookbinders

The company was founded in 2014. It specialises in the production and sale of printing materials and in particular, products for bookbinding in the broadest sense. The company's pillar is its highly specialised personnel from the printing and textile industry with many years of professional experience. Using this knowledge, we build our offer on proven products of good quality, while keeping prices affordable. JDR Technik's products are tailored to the needs of modern bookbinding, they are perfectly suited for common use on the most modern machine park, which is equipped with domestic and foreign printing houses. Following the changes and expectations of our customers, such as shorter makeready times, shorter runs, higher productivity, our products are also undergoing this metamorphosis. They meet the highest market standards. When designing our range, we have not forgotten about classic bookbinders, photo album manufacturers and stationery producers. For this group of customers, we have specially selected products that are designed for manual or semi-automatic processing. Following the path of development in 2018, we expanded our business to include slitting of papers, cardboards and at the same time we became a manufacturer of spine boars, creped paper for bookbinding. 

Capital-wise, we are linked to Lagertechnik sp. z o.o., a bearing company. It provides us with administrative and logistical support.


Using the experience we have gained in the industry and the support of our sister company, JDR Technik is a company that focuses primarily on fast and professional service for our customers.

We look forward to working with you,


Management, JDR Technik sp. z o.o.

cover materials JDR TEchnik

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Home page / About us


The headquarters of JDR Technik, which sells bookbinding materials.
kontakt z jdr technik



miejsce jdr technik
materiały introligatorskie


Mickiewicza 29

95-050 Konstantynow Lodzki


VAT EU 731 204 71 79    

Registration No. 101819160

tel. +48 42 307 27 35



privacy policy


Entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Lodz, KRS 0000974565. Share capital paid in full PLN 30000.


materiały dla introligatorów JDR Technik
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Copyright  2015-2025 JDR Technik Ltd. author Rafal Bembnowski